Aston University - SEAS Building

Environmental Initiatives

Before commencing any work, we considered how the scheme would impact on the University and wider environment and implemented measures to ensure minimal impact. Part of this included the building remaining functional throughout our programme, which we designed to cause minimal disruption to the University. We held regular meetings with the University’s estates team to discuss our programme, with disruptive activities coordinated to take place out of normal working hours.

We gave careful consideration of noise reduction, especially during exams times. We utilised noise suppressing equipment including substituting percussion drills for diamond drills.

We carefully planned our deliveries out of hours so that our transport requirements did not have an overly burdensome effect on the local environment and neighbouring occupiers. At an operational level, site staff were encouraged to car share, creating a reduction of CO2 generated through travel.

Through the use of Wastecycle, 97% of waste generated on site was recycled. Products were also chosen based on whole life costs, including the usage of LED lighting throughout the building.

To ensure all site staff were aware of the environmental procedures undertaken throughout the project, all were given a site-specific tool box talk. Part of the talk detailed how to conduct themselves within a live university environment.








Design & Build

This scheme was the multi-phased remodelling of Aston University's School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) Research and Development Building.

Works to the live University environment included the remodelling of teaching rooms, offices, store rooms and engineering workshops, including installation of internal walls, doors, finishes and M&E services.
Specialist laboratories included wet labs, synthetic labs, gas bottle manifold rooms, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging equipment, polymer processing; all including highly serviced M&E spaces with fume cupboards.

Social Initiatives

We worked hard to ensure communication was clear and effective throughout the works, promoting the project to the greater campus. A Twitter account was set up to communicate the works progress and raise its profile whilst providing a positive interface. Communication was further enhanced by the use of a site-specific newsletter. Produced by the Clegg team, this was emailed to all interested parties and contained information regarding the scheme’s progress, any programme changes and any significant upcoming events.
We were keen to integrate with the University and held successful site ‘open days’ throughout our programme. These included a walk-through the site and a discussion on the technical aspects of the project, including the significant mechanical and electrical works. These visits attracted people including Building, and Civil Engineering students. We were also available to provide industry related talks.
Mechanical and Electrical works constituted 40% of the project spend, those and other subcontractors, as far as possible, were appointed within a 15 mile radius. We also conducted in-house training including tool box talks and asbestos awareness training to all site staff.

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