The Joint Services Centre is a complex known as 'The Hub', providing an excellent local service.

Public Sector
Design & Build
The Joint Services Centre is a complex known as 'The Hub', providing an excellent local service.
Facilities include:
Extensive consultation was carried out pre-construction with all the service providers to ensure that their varying needs were met whilst the contemporary nature of the building provides a new focal point for the town and embraces environmentally sustainable materials and services.
The centre's construction comprises of a traditional steel frame on concrete pad foundations, upper floors of metal decking with structural concrete topping, roofing coverings of concrete interlocking tiles on a traditional timber roof truss configuration.
The Joint Service Centre also includes a new Children's Centre for pre-school children as part of the government's Sure Start initiative. Private sector firms will manage and operate a kitchen/cafeteria which is available to service users, employees and the general public.
This building really is for the people of South Normanton, with other local voluntary and community groups making use of the modern conference/meeting facilities which the building has in order to provide some support for their essential outreach work in the local community. In addition there is office accommodation to let on a commercial basis to local organisations.
The development also includes 24 apartments with external works including 138 car parking spaces and the construction of a new road to link to the main road running through the town centre.