An official topping out ceremony has taken place at our multi-million pound student accommodation development in Derby.
The project for developers Jensco (Derby) in Agard Street has now reached its highest structutal point.
Located in Derby's Friar Gate quarter the building will provide 244 bedrooms for the University of Derby and is on target to be completed in time for the new 2018/19 academic year.
The nine-storey building will comprise 244 ensuite rooms based around a series of communal areas featuring kitchen, dining and lounge areas, eight of which are fully accessible for wheelchair users. Additional features include ground floor common room areas with reception and three lifts.
The topping out ceremony saw repesentatives from Clegg Construction and Jensco (Derby) joined by Sigmat/PAW Structures, who designed the building's steel frame. The party also included guests from RPS, BSP Consulting and Cunniff Design, who are also involved in the building's construction. Representatives from University of Derby and Marketing Derby were also present.